Big Data, Machine Learning and Innovative Design
Important Dates
May 9 Submissions due
May 16 Notification of acceptance
21 June 9:00pm-12:30pm Workshop

Workshop Aim:

While design and innovation in big data technologies is a current hot topic on the planet scale, the use of big data for innovative design is not a much-explored issue. While it is generally accepted that design and innovation are knowledge intensive processes, specific use of big data approaches for the purpose of innovative design is not a much-explored issue either.

This workshop aims at bringing together experts in various related fields to discuss the reasons of this seeming paradox and

  1. To provide a state of the art and current challenges
  2. To identify factors impeding the consistent use of big data in product design (and ways to deal with them)
  3. To articulate research avenues towards a better use of data-mining approaches and big data related technologies in design processes for innovation purposes.

The medium term objective of the workshop is initiate a debate on the junction of big data and design research communities, likely to breed new collaboration opportunities and progress towards publishable results.

  • Big data and product design
  • Big data and design processes
  • Big data and creativity
  • Novelty detection vs. novelty generation
  • Data-mining and design strategy
  • Design evaluation and big data
  • Interaction design and mining user data
  • Data-mining and breakthrough design
  • Innovation policy design and big data
  • Design theory and machine learning theory
  • Big data and innovation management

For further details, please see the external website for the workshop.

Workshop Chair
Akin Osman Kazakci (akin.kazakci(@)mines-paristech.fr)
Yoram Reich (yoram(@)eng.tau.ac.il)
Program Committee
  • Amedeo Napoli
  • Pavlos Delias
Workshop Notes
Further details can be found in the workshop website

Submission information:
A statement of your interest and an abstract not exceeding one page description of your view on the role and potential of big data and analytics in innovative design will be required by the 9 May. Submission of a statement is not a requirement to register for the workshop. Please send the statement to AkinKazakci. Please note that, due to time constraints, the number of presentations by the participants will be limited. The participants will be notified of the details of the program shortly after the submission process.

Workshop format:
The workshop will start with a brief introduction by the workshop organisers summarising the current debate. Participants will give a 5 min presentation of their abstract before a coffee break. Afterwards a general discussion, participants will split up in groups and a work session will take place to suggest and identify open research questions and potential ways to deal with them.

Attendees at the workshop need to register either as an addition to the DCC'14 conference registration at a cost of £20, or if not registered for the conference at a cost of £40. Please go the main DCC14 conference page and then to Registration to register.

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